Importing by Air and Sea freight from Nigeria to UK and most EU countries can be quite confusing for a lot individuals and small businesses, Metrolove cargo has made it very easy to do that, we will handle your goods all the way from any part of Nigeria to your door in UK and EU. our Lagos office will handle your goods securely and at the same time making sure you are not sending banned or prohibited items to Uk and EU countries. we take extreme care to make sure the latter does not happen.

Our goods leaves Nigeria every Friday and arrives the UK by Tuesday, our lead time is 3 to 5 days from depature to being ready for collection at our South East London office .

Please see our prices below:

Import from our Lagos office to our London office is £3.80/kg or N3,100 Naira/kg. Minimum of 10kg



Please contact us directly on +44(0)7474055179 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Lead tiime is one week, drop off on Wednesdays at the following address;

Metrolove Cargo

Shop 15,

Benedicta'sShopping Plaza

Ogba Last bus Stop

Ogba Lagos

Contact Wale:+234 8033287028

Contact Office: +234 8109141910

Contact Uchenna: +234 7048117501